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How much does a market stall usually cost? The best advice from Pedddle

Traders- Hints & Tips

Our top tips for stallholders!


How much does a market stall usually cost? What is the average cost of having your own market stall?

As a Market Directory, we’ve worked with many a market over the years, and the answer is… well, there just isn’t one straight answer!

However, Pedddle is here to give you the best possible market advice, and as market and stallholder experts, here’s what you need to know…

How much does a market stall usually cost?

It varies massively to be honest – they can even be free! However, you should expect to pay around £40 to £80 for a day of trading, on average around £55 for a good market. Some markets can go well over £100 if they’re a few-days-long event, or a big festival or occasion, especially at peak times of year (like summer holidays or Christmas), so you should really expect to pay anything from £30 to £150 for a day of market trading – which of course you then have to factor into your own costs and pricing.

Even with inflation rising, these prices have been the average baseline for the last couple of years in the UK.

Does area make a difference?

There doesn’t seem to be a pricing difference in different areas of the country.

How much does a market stall usually cost in London? Honestly, pretty much the same as it would in Yorkshire! Very often, London has much higher costs for general living, as does much of the South of the country, whereas the North of England, Scotland and Wales are usually cheaper that our capital in many regards.

This doesn’t seem to be the case with markets! The prices mentioned above are pretty standard, wherever in the UK you want to sell.

How can I cut costs?

Some outdoor market organisers will provide a gazebo, but some may require you to take your own. Always check the T’S and C’s before booking to sell at a market, in case of ‘hidden’ costs like this.

You could ask the organiser for a ‘half pitch’, where you share a pitch with another business, to make it more affordable. This would mean you split the costs between you for the market stall itself. However, this also means you can only get half the amount of products on display than you’d be able to with a full pitch to yourself.

Don’t rule out smaller markets! Paying more doesn’t always mean it’s a better quality market, or you’ll get better sales. Consider the church hall markets, the tiny village markets (these usually have much cheaper stall pitch fees too). Big markets and big prices don’t always reflect big sales, and a lot also depends on the type of product you sell and where your ideal audience is likely to be.

Of course, city events tend to attract higher footfall purely because there’s more people in a city… but again, there’s other factors such as how well-advertised a market is, how well-established it is, whether it has a community following and so on.

Our YouTube series

Watch the full video below for more tips on this topic!

We’re releasing a ‘50 in 50’ YouTube series – that’s 50 small business tips videos over the course of 50 days! Pedddle Founder Nicki is sharing her personal knowledge – and you don’t even have to be a Pedddle community member to access it.

Want more info on setting up a market stall business? Our specialised blog will guide you through how to set up a market stall business from scratch with a list of everything you need to know – just click here.

If you are interested in joining the Pedddle community for more learning opportunities and support in your market journey, click the button below.

“How much does a market stall usually cost? The best advice from Pedddle” was published in May 2024. Please contact us for any queries relating to current information.