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How can small business owners relax this Christmas? Our 6 best tips

Christmas Markets | Mental Health

6 top tips to give yourself a break this Christmas!

4 patterned A5 To Do List notepads

How can small business owners relax this Christmas? Being a small business owner is tough at the best of times, but when you’re caught up in Christmas orders, finishing off the last of the December markets and feeling guilty about closing your shop over Christmas, it’s tough.

We want to prioritise stallholders’ wellbeing. We all know the importance of prioritising mental health, but it’s often easier said than done.

Here are some tips to help you relax this Christmas – you can pretty much just use them as a December checklist!

How can small business owners relax this Christmas?

We’ve put together a 6-point checklist – please us this in December to switch off from your biz! Schedule as much as you can in advance, and tell your customers you’re taking a well-earned rest. This way, you can come back stronger than ever in January and make the next year your best business year yet.

1. Plan before you go

Write a list of what you’ve got to do – and mark off what can be done after the Christmas break! This is truly a time to prioritise your workload, and leave the non-essentials. Organise your To Do list and calendar with clear reminders of your priority 2022 tasks.This will help you relax, knowing that you haven’t forgotten anything during your time off.

Want to sell at more markets next year? Click here to view Pedddle’s market timeline, or see what’s happening online event-wise over on Tresstle.

Anna Treliving Design has some fab weekly planners which will help you start the New Year in style, and make you look forward to planning your weeks in 2022.

2. Slow down the scrolling!

As soon as we asked ourselves, “How can small business owners relax this Christmas?”, taking a break from the socials is the first thing that came to mind!!

Take a break from social media. It’s fine to tell your followers that you’re taking a Christmas break – they’ll understand! You could always pop on the odd story if you want to, but shut up shop and have a break.

Don’t start your morning scrolling – if you’re tempted to wake up and check your socials, make a cup of tea or read a book instead. You could even go as far as deleting your social media apps for the festive season so that you’re not tempted!

If you really want to keep it going, schedule posts in advance to keep them ticking over – Instagram has an in-app feature where you can do this now! No more need for a 3rd party scheduling app.

3. Airplane Mode

Popping airplane mode on your phone is ideal for some real R&R! This will switch off your internet connection, stopping you from being tempted to check emails and will really help you to stay present over the festive season.

You will literally be forced to go offline and take a break!!

4. Give your Home Screen a refresh

Delete or hide any non-essential apps, delete your socials if you get lost in scrolling, or any work-related apps, and pop your out of office on your emails! Tidy up your Home screen so that you’re not reminded of work during the holidays.

5. Get some fresh air

Yes, it’s winter, but fresh air always does you good! Have a brisk walk, take in the fresh air and breathe in some pure relaxation. It’s good for you!

6. Look back at your achievements

Look at how far you’ve come this year! Never mind the fact that we’ve had nearly 2 years of pandemic and Covid-related set-backs, to still be here and thriving is a HUGE achievement. Give yourself a pat on the back!

How can small business owners relax this Christmas? Blog published December 2021.