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Hey there, Market Organiser!

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Hey Stallholder - Join Pedddle

Looking to list your markets on Pedddle?

Are you an organiser of Artisan, Makers, Vintage, Vegan, Creative, Art and Craft Markets, and looking to find new ways to reach customers and stallholders?


At Pedddle, we make the market community more connected; uniting organisers, stallholders and customers, and creating a positive experience from online discovery through to visiting an event in person. We work hard on promotion and SEO, and last year saw nearly a million page views.

Here’s how it works:
1. An organiser registers with us (it’s a £10 one-off fee to get set up).
2. Successful organisers will be informed. We are a curated platform, and aim to keep a high-quality directory for our creative community.
3. Once accepted, you can list your market(s). See all pricing options here.

Darren, Prestige Events

If you have any queries before signing up, email us at [email protected] or DM us on Instagram,  @pedddleuk.

See all pricing costs here.

Keen to capture new customers and stallholders? Pedddle is the platform and the community for you.