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Have you visited Canalside Farm’s markets yet?

At the Market

Find out why Canalside’s seasonal Staffordshire markets are well worth a visit…

Canalside Farm Shop is a family-run fruit and veg farm which has been in business since 1983.

Now running seasonal markets, we wanted to find out more about exactly why you need to visit, and what makes these markets so unique and special.

The History of Canalside Farm’s markets

Canalside Farm has been growing since 1983, and now has a farm shop and cafe, running Pick Your Own events as well as organising seasonal pop-up market events throughout the year.

Their Markets on the Farm take place outdoors or under the cover of the Glasshouse when the weather isn’t great, but always provide lots of fun and a great way to discover new produce, locally made goods and fresh food and drink.

Click here to read about their next market.

We spoke to Market Organiser Anna about running the markets and what makes them so great.

How long have the Canalside markets been running?

Our first ever market took place on 10th July 2021 – so not long ago at all! Considering that the farm celebrates it’s 40th birthday next year, the markets are definitely the newest addition to our farm, and we just love them.

What is your newest market, and what makes it special?

Our next market will be our Christmas Market, taking place on Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th November 2022, under the cover of our Glasshouse. Click here for full details.

This Christmas event is set to be our biggest market yet, with 60 stall holders confirmed for each day! Usually our markets have around 30-35 stalls, so this is definitely our biggest yet, at nearly double the usual amount of stallholders.

The market will be set amongst our fresh Christmas trees, which go on sale that weekend. Our Santa’s Grotto will also be there, so the market is a really be a fun way to kick off the festive season. With a coffee hut serving mulled wine and mince pies, it’s definitely the ideal event to spend time with the family or meet up with your friends!

What has been your favourite market so far?

I love the Summer Markets on the Farm. We’ve been really lucky with the weather this year, and I enjoy the feel of surrounding the market with the produce that we grow (in particular our strawberries), which gives a great backdrop to the market days and really immerses our local stallholders in the heart of our business. 

Why should people visit your markets?

We definitely have the friendliest bunch of stallholders that I’ve come across! They are all super talented and they take care to chat to everyone. There is a real community feel about our markets, like old friends catching up over a cuppa. The stallholders also have beautiful unique pieces available that you won’t find in a high street store, making our markets ideal for gift shopping, especially this Christmas.

Want to see what else you can do at Canalside? Click here to visit their website and see what’s on.