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Do I need a strapline for my business?

Traders- Hints & Tips

It’s so important to be able to let people know exactly what your business is at a glance. Aside from your business name, a simple strapline can help with this. You may be asking ‘do I really need a strapline for my business’? – we think the answer is yes! Pedddle Founder Nicki recently created […]

strapline for my business

It’s so important to be able to let people know exactly what your business is at a glance. Aside from your business name, a simple strapline can help with this. You may be asking ‘do I really need a strapline for my business’? – we think the answer is yes!

Pedddle Founder Nicki recently created a YouTube video about how having a strapline for your business can be beneficial. Click here to watch it.

Why do I need a strapline for my business?

Here’s some more detail why creating a snappy strapline is so important.

Benefits of having a strapline:

  • Instant info: It gives a small snippet of info offering clarity on your business mission and ethos. It lets customers know what you’re doing and why, at a glance.
  • Clarity and memorability: A well-crafted strapline can stick in people’s minds.
  • Differentiation: It can help you stand out from competitors in a crowded marketplace.
  • Emotional connection: A strapline can evoke positive emotions and then create a sense of trust in your potential customers.

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