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Pedddle links to your Etsy shop! And it’s brilliant.

Traders- Hints & Tips

Showcase up to 8 items from your Etsy shop on Pedddle.

Pedddle now links to your Etsy shop! This is great news to help you be discovered by potential customers, and can transform our stallholders’ benefits.

We know that time is always limited for makers, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to put your products in front of any of your potential customers.

There are so many benefits to joining Pedddle, but one of them is how we help raise your visibility online and show you to more customers.

Many stallholders and makers have at least one online shop already (often Etsy, Folksy your own website – there are multiple platforms!). Keeping tabs on them all is tricky but obviously makers want to sell their stuff! So it’s important to be seen in as many places as possible and links to your Etsy shop are therefore vital.

Why we’ve added links to your Etsy shop

If you’re a Pedddle stallholder with a live listing on our website, it can now link straight to your Etsy shop. Your customers could be shopping from you in just a couple of clicks!

In order to make the process as easy as possible for you, we have created the opportunity to pull featured items from your Etsy shop and they will show up on your Pedddle page. All you need to do is mark an item as ‘featured’ on Etsy (click on the grey star underneath your product until it turns yellow, to mark it as featured) – this will make your items show at the top of your Etsy page, and they’ll show up on your Pedddle page too!

Please note that you can mark as many products as you like as ‘featured’ on Etsy – however, only 4 featured products will actually show up on your Etsy page, and up to 8 will show on your Pedddle page. Then, once you sell out of a certain product, any more that you’ve marked as ‘featured’ will continue to pull through.

This will help your shop’s visibility online, and although Pedddle is primarily about finding markets, we still want to help show your customers exactly what they can get.

How to ensure Pedddle links to your Etsy shop

To get started, simply log into your account on Pedddle and on ‘My Stall’ fill this box in:

Once you have featured items on Etsy, they will automatically pull through to Pedddle – so you don’t need to do any more!  The links can take up to an hour to refresh, so do bare this in mind.

In future, we will look to develop this service further, to potentially link to WooCommerce, Shopify sites and similar. Feedback and ideas are always welcomed – and of course, this service is subject to change dependent on Etsy terms and conditions. However, we’ve found it’s working really well for now!

Pedddle is a market directory, not a selling platform, so this is pretty much the closest to a selling platform that we’re ever going to get! Pedddle is an online directory of markets and their stallholders, and we want to support the creative community in as many ways as possible – this is just one of them.

Information above is correct as of October 2021. Please contact us for up-to-date advice after this date.

Fancy joining Pedddle so that you can get this benefit and many more?

Linking to your Etsy page is just one of the many ways we help stallholders and small business owners. Our market directory, creative community, workshops, learning tutorials and networking also provide ways which your business can grow. We offer access to these things via monthly subscriptions.

Hit the button below to find out all about the subscriptions that we offer!