When shopping with, we hope you have a great experience and enjoy purchasing items that has been loving made or sourced locally for you.
It is very important to us that you are happy with your products and this is why we encourage you to contact the stallholders you purchased from directly. Occasionally items can vary in colour, size and shape as they are not made in bulk. If you purchase online on our online market night when as you will purchase direct with the trader. They will be selling through various channels either personal websites or platforms such as Etsy. In this instance, please refer to their policies for delivery and returns. If you have an enquiry, click the contact button and the maker will be on hand to answer any questions.
Delivery of items are as per the trader you purchased off. As we do not have a shop and link you to the traders platforms directly each may have a different delivery policy. Please refer to their policies.
Items are currently sold for collection only, although we will be reviewing this policy.
Usually, if you are unhappy with the product, as long as it is in a saleable condition it can be refunded in compliance with the traders terms and conditions. Please refer to the individual stallholders refund policy for their terms and conditions.
We hope you enjoy using the online market nights & if you have any questions please contact us at