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Conscious & Sustainable Shopping with Mindful Markets

Need Some Inspiration?

Mindful Markets, based in Leeds, are helping us shop more ‘mindfully’. Here we explore exactly what that means…

What are the Mindful Markets?

Mindful Market UK is a monthly market based in Leeds. It’s a marketplace for brands and shoppers who care, with a strong focus on promoting conscious and sustainable shopping.

Here we explore what exactly that involves, and what you can get out of visiting these markets.

What are Mindful Markets about?

The markets focus on four key areas of shopping more mindfully; shopping from small and independent businesses, shopping sustainably, shopping inclusively and shopping for our mental health and wellbeing.

The idea is that market visitors can vote with their money; creating a positive change in the way that we shop and putting our money with brands that we believe in.

Promoting small, independent businesses

If you want to shop consciously and sustainably, shopping from small, independent businesses is what you need to do!

Mindful Markets ensure that their stallholders’ businesses are independently owned, so that they can help small businesses grow.

Each market is curated to ensure a variety of stallholders that share this mindful ethos.

Sustainable, eco-conscious shopping

Small businesses tend to be more eco-friendly than large corporations, as it’s easier for them to find sustainable manufacturing methods (often using handmade goods), eco-friendly packaging (or re-use packaging) and so on.

Mindful Markets include stallholders that have a strong focus on being eco-conscious, and sell products that enable market visitors to be more sustainable too.

Check out our blog on living more sustainably – click here.

Focusing on diversity and inclusion

Shopping inclusively means shopping more mindfully, and being aware of exactly where you are putting your money, and the businesses that you’re showing support for.

To champion inclusivity and diversity, we must all be sure to shop with a wide variety of businesses, including looking at their ethics and ethical practices, shopping from minority owned businesses, and shopping from businesses that have an inclusive supply chain.

Looking after your mental health and wellbeing

We all know the importance of prioritising our mental health, just as much as our physical health.

Mindful Markets can help you find mental health and wellbeing remedies and aids that actually work for you, which are made or curated by passionate experts in the field.

What does it mean to shop ’mindfully’?

We believe in putting your money where your mouth is. If you believe in supporting your local communities, shopping from ethical businesses, being eco-friendly and championing small business values, it’s important to shop from brands that you believe in and that support those values too.

Fast fashion and the rate that we currently consume goods at is having a harmful effect on our planet (click here to read our blog on switching away from ’fast fashion’). Aside from this, we want to champion the positive values that define our society; prioritising our mental health and wellbeing and the continued fight for diversity and inclusion.

When you shop mindfully, you are using your money to cast a vote for positive change within these areas.

Click here to find out more about mindful shopping with Mindful Markets.

Want to show support Mindful Markets?

Mindful Markets UK are now a part of Pedddle. Click here to view their website, to find out more about this topic and what they offer.

Want to show your support for Mindful Markets? Sign up to Pedddle as a market visitor to favourite their markets and see when they’re on – click here to find out more.