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Heaton Moor Market

Heaton Moor Producers Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventStockport, SK4 4AG

Heaton Moor Producers Market takes place in Stockport, focusing on local, fresh and handmade goods and crafts.

Barkley and Fetch market stall at Heaton moorCheshire Bakehouse, Pedddle


Shaw Rd, Stockport, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom
First Sunday of the Month
Next Markets
No future dates
Heaton Moor Market
We are a street market and have full and free access, parking is available anywhere on the surrounding roads but we do not have any 'Disabled Parking' spots alongside us. However if you contact me beforehand I will be able to reserve you a spot very close to us, email me on [email protected], we will be very happy to help
Parking is free and freely available on all the surrounding roads. We do ask for consideration for the local residents and ask you not to obstruct any driveways or pavements.
Wheelchair Accessible All Outdoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Greater Manchester , North West

Heaton Moor Producers Market is proud to bring such wonderful, quality local producers to Heaton Moor, selling everything from food and plants, to gifts and crafts.

There is a wide variety of products on offer - a great variety of produce to choose from and our friendly stallholders are more than happy to chat to customers about their businesses and the products they make & sell.

Contact Heaton Moor Market

The organiser has restricted the contact form for this event to Pedddle members only.

Message from Organiser

We are taking no further stallholder applications at the moment

Our stallholders at previous markets

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.