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Love Bollington Market at The Medical Centre

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventBollington, SK10 5JH
Love Bollington Market is an exiting food and artisan market in Bollington near Macclesfield. It is a not for profit community market full of food and drink stalls, handmade and vintage gifts, colourful plants and even things for pets!It is hosted in numerous locations around the village on each month.
Love Bollington Market, PedddleLove Bollington Market, PedddleLove Bollington Board, Pedddle


Wellington Road, Bollington, Cheshire
SK10 5JH
2nd Sunday of the month
Next Markets
No future dates
Love Bollington Market
Various locations.
Markets in
Cheshire , North West

Their locations include
Ovenhouse Farm, Henshall Road.
The Green, High Street.

Contact Love Bollington Market

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.