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Kerry Day Arts


Kerry Day is a plant loving artist and tutor based in Bristol, creating original Lino Prints, metal sculptures and greeting cards.

colourful spotty prayer plant lino print in wooden frame next to real plantscolourful spotty prayer plant lino print in wooden frame next to real plantscolourful Swiss cheese plant lino print in a wooden frame next to a real plant3 metal sculptures of plant standing on their plinthsmy hand holding 3 of my botanical greeting cards. Top card is of a Swiss cheese plantPhoto of the artist holding a lino printing inking roller
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Who we are

I’m Kerry Day, an artist based in Bristol. I create original Lino prints, metal sculptures and greeting cards all based around my large collection of indoor plants. Making botanical creations for my plant loving customers and giving them the positive calming effects and good fortune associated with plants, but without the need for watering.
When I’m not creating I also teach Lino printing to adults from my studio and Bristol Folk House

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Located in Bristol