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3D2D Events

Newbattle Abbey Summer Fair 2025

Saturday 12th July 2025Edinburgh, EH22 3LL

Celebrate summer with art, craft, and design at Newbattle Abbey College - join us for the Newbattle Abbey Summer Fair!

Newbattle Abbey Summer FairNewbattle Abbey Summer Fair


Newbattle Abbey College, off Newbattle Road, Edinburgh, Dalkeith, Scotland
EH22 3LL
Saturday 12th July 2025
10:30am - 5:00pm
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There is disabled parking and ramp access to the building, as well as a lift for wheelchairs.
Free parking in the Abbey grounds, in front of the building and in the business park area.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
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Edinburgh , Scotland

Newbattle Abbey Summer Fair is back!

Join 3D2D Events for a one-day extravaganza of art, craft, and design at the beautiful Newbattle Abbey College on July 12th 2025, from 10.30am to 5pm.

Explore a curated selection of exquisite artworks, handcrafted pieces, and timeless designs by talented Artists, Designers, and Makers at Newbattle Abbey Summer Fair. The fair boasts a variety of stalls located throughout the historical Abbey building and this year we are featuring a demonstration / workshop area where visitors can learn more about these crafts and take part in a taster workshop.

The stunning college grounds, are wonderful for a walk and a delightful day out.

What makes Newbattle Abbey Summer Fair special?

Exceptional Quality: Discover meticulously crafted pieces showcasing the pinnacle of artistic excellence.

Meet the Makers: Connect directly with the artisans behind the work, gaining insights into their creative journeys.

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