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The Makers Haven at Tissington

The Makers Haven

Ashbourne, DE6 1RA

Nestled in the Peak District village of Tissington, the Makers Haven is an intimate, independent market celebrating makers.


Tissington Village Hall, Ashbourne
10:30am - 4:00pm
Next Markets
, 17th May 2025 , 28th Jun 2025 , 26th Jul 2025 , 23rd Aug 2025 , 24th Aug 2025 , 25th Aug 2025 , 27th Sep 2025
The Makers Haven at Tissington
While the main entrance does have steps, alternative access is available on request for wheelchair users and those with limited mobility. Disabled toilet facilities are also provided.
Free parking for up to two hours is available opposite Tissington Hall. Additionally, a council-owned pay and display car park is located at the entrance to the Tissington Trail. Both parking facilities are within a few minutes' walk of the venue.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Derbyshire , The East Midlands , The Midlands

The Makers Haven showcases a lineup of talented artists and makers - many from our local community and some joining us from further afield.

As an organiser, I truly enjoy supporting makers, valuing their craftsmanship, and celebrating the unique talents that bring their creations to life! The Makers Haven welcomes makers from all backgrounds and those who are just beginning their creative journey.

Find every stall inside Tissington Village Hall, creating a warm and intimate setting for your shopping experience. You can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere where you can browse at your leisure, engage with stallholders, and discover more about their creative processes and any custom options they can offer.

Tissington Village is an integral part of the historic Tissington Estate, which has been under the private ownership of the FitzHerbert family since the 1460s. Renowned for its distinctive beauty and charm, the village offers a perfect escape from the demands of everyday life.

Our venue is just across from the village pond, a perfect spot to relax, soak in the beautiful views, and watch the local wildlife.

Just a short walk down the lane brings you to Tissington Hall, a charming building from the early 17th century. The village is also home to a variety of unique, independent small businesses.

Herbert’s Fine English Tearoom is only a minute's stroll around the corner, where you can indulge in a tasty treat and embrace the quaint, charming village atmosphere.

Our venue is just a short stroll from the Tissington Trail entrance, offering a perfect opportunity to relax and explore the stunning countryside on foot or by bike.

Free Parking is available opposite Tissington Hall.

I'm thrilled to host The Makers Haven in Tissington - it’s a village that's very dear to my heart and has often served as a personal haven.

Our stallholders at the next market

Contact The Makers Haven at Tissington

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.