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Be Events

Aldingbourne Country Centre Be Local Market

Half YearlyChichester, PO18 0JP

Join us for a fabulous Craft Market at Aldingbourne Country Centre! Discover unique handmade treasures, artisan gifts, and tasty treats while supporting local makers at Aldingbourne Country Centre Be Local Market.


Blackmill Lane, Chichester, UK
PO18 0JP
Half Yearly
10:00am - 3:00pm
Next Markets
, 13th Sep 2025
Be Events
Trader Mailing List
Wheelchair accessible, disabled parking, and accessible toilets. For further specific queries, please use the contact form below.
Free parking for over 300 visitors.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available Free Entry
Markets in
West Sussex

Join us at the Aldingbourne Country Centre Craft Market, a fantastic event celebrating local creativity and craftsmanship. The perfect day out for all!

Nestled in the beautiful West Sussex countryside, this vibrant market is the perfect place to browse a stunning selection of handmade goods from talented artisans and independent makers.

Expect a diverse range of unique, high-quality products, including handcrafted jewellery, home décor, artwork, ceramics, textiles, candles, and more. Whether you’re searching for the perfect gift, treating yourself to something special, or simply enjoying a leisurely day out, you’ll find plenty of inspiration among our carefully curated stalls.

What You’ll Find at the Aldingbourne Craft Market:
-A variety of artisan stalls featuring handmade crafts
- Beautiful gifts, homeware, and accessories
-Family-friendly activities and a welcoming atmosphere
-A chance to support small businesses and local artists

Make a day of it and explore the Aldingbourne Country Centre, which offers plenty of attractions, including a woodland walk, farm animals, and a delightful café serving delicious refreshments.

If you're a small business, crafter, artist and everything in between we would love you to come and join us.

Contact Be Events

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.