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Suffolk Market Events

Market at the Barn, Coggeshall

Saturday 20th September 2025Essex, CO6 1RE

Market in the Barn, Coggeshall, is a lovely Autumn event where you can shop within an incredible stallholder-filled barn, and enjoy a mix of gazebos, horse boxes and food trucks outside too!

Suffolk Market Events - customers walking through the market


Grange Barn, Colchester, Essex
Saturday 20th September 2025
10:00am - 3:00pm
Next Markets
Suffolk Market Events
This market is both in and outdoors.
Both Indoor and Outdoor Free Entry
Markets in
Colchester , Essex , Suffolk , East Anglia

We are delighted to be coming back to Grange Barn in Coggeshall on Saturday September 20th 2025! That’s right - Market in the Barn, Coggeshall, by Suffolk Market Events, is back!

We can’t wait to once again fill this incredible barn with a beautiful selection of local arts and crafts and outside the barn we’ll have a wonderful mix of gazebos, horseboxes and food trucks offering a mouth watering selection of both local artisan produce and delicious hot street food.

All our stallholders will be from within the local region and everyone will have created their own produce.

As always, entry to this event is totally free of charge.

Contact Suffolk Market Events

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