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5 Reasons Photography should be a Main Focus for Market Organisers

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Read 5 huge reasons that photography should be your main focus as a market organiser.

Good Market Online!

We so often see market and event organisers neglecting their photography, and failing to capture images or their markets – either by not getting good ones, or just forgetting to take photographs completely. This is why we’ve put together 5 Reasons Photography should be a Main Focus for Market Organisers.

As a market organiser, it’s your aim to get people to your markets. Visuals are key in this, as if you can show your customers how lovely your market looks, they’ll want to visit.

The most popular markets offer great photos of their events – there’s a clear pattern. They have big followings and a healthy customer base because they have conveyed their market vibe beautifully, and it makes more people want to visit.

But if you need other reasons to focus on photography more at your next event, here goes…

Our Top 5 Reasons Photography should be a Main Focus for Market Organisers

Here are five essential reasons you need to have great images:

  1. Visual Storytelling: People are drawn to captivating images. High-quality photos showcase the variety of stalls, the products, the venue. They tell a story without words, enticing potential customers to make that journey to your event.
  2. First Impressions Count: In a crowded market (excuse the pun!), good photography grabs attention. It acts as a magnet, drawing people in and making your event stand out from the rest. A great photo piques interest and it invites customers to explore further.
  3. Social Media Powerhouse: Social media is a major driver of foot traffic for all kinds of markets. Compelling photos (and great videos/reels) are essential for creating engaging posts that will be shared and seen by a wider audience. Strong visuals can turn a casual scroll into a planned visit to your event.
  4. Online Presence Booster: Whether you have a website or simply an online presence, high-quality photographs are crucial across platforms. It can bring your brand story together and showcase your events in the best light.

    Essential content for social media, strong photos on your website can also tell a story that customers will enjoy your events. Whereas poor imagery, or a complete lack of imagery, could actually put them off visiting! Which leads us to our final point…
  5. Emotional Connection: Great photography doesn’t just show what happens at your markets, it evokes emotion. It’s about storytelling. By capturing the essence of your craft fair and the food sold, the great times the customers are having, the lovely things they are buying, plus the overall happy atmosphere, the family fun-days and the stories behind the traders, you can create a much deeper connection with potential customers, making them far more likely to visit. Photographs can tug on their heart-strings and make them want to be a part of what you’re selling.

What is the best way to capture market photos?

So, you’re on board with all of the points above, but how can you capture good market photos?

With our phones boasting amazing cameras, there is no reason for anything other than taking a plethora of great shots! Most phones these days are capable of good photography, and you can use something like Lightroom to edit them (although again, most phones have basic editing software, and there’s plenty of great apps available to help you with this too!).

Alternatively, get a professional in. This can save you so much time (and even money) in the long run, because the pay-offs can be worth it. Again, it means you won’t forget to take photos when you’re busy on the day, either! Have them visit your events in all seasons (especially if you have an outdoor market), so they can capture the market at various types of year to tell your stories of Christmas, Spring energy, the great summer vibes and so on!

Good luck, and let us know if you have any questions.