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Discover how Pinterest can grow your business

Traders- Hints & Tips

Links and useful info to get the most out of Pinterest!

Discover how Pinterest can grow your business - Pinterest image

Let’s talk all things Pinterest! It’s one of the world’s biggest search engines, and although we often think of it as a social media platform, it’s more akin to Google. Our ‘50 videos in 50 days’ YouTube series recently discussed ways that Pinterest can grow your business, and this blog has some great links for you to grow your Pinterest, to help you grow your business in turn.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social media platform where people can share, save and categorise images, which can link to other things (i.e. your website or blog). As we mentioned, it has a search engine feature, which actually makes it far different from other social media platforms in terms of usability.

Whereas most social media platforms have a single-feed layout of some description, Pinterest has a responsive grid layout, which adapts to fit every post, or ‘Pin’. Users then organise these ‘Pins’ (posts) into different ‘boards’ (folders), to categorise content you’re interested in.

You are given a Home feed with suggestions, based on the things you’ve viewed and interacted with in the past (like other social media algorithms), but as users terms to use keywords and search terms for content to Pin to their boards, your content is more evergreen, therefore things you post will be viewed for a much longer time than on socials you can search through in that way (i.e. Facebook posts).

How Pinterest can grow your business…

Firstly, here are some stats:

  • 80% of users discover new brands and products on Pinterest each week
  • Shoppers spend twice as much on Pinterest as they do on other social media platforms; with more direct links and specific searches, this may be the reason
  • Pinterest Ads have a 32% higher ROI than other platforms

Pinterest is evergreen, meaning it’s there all the time and keeps generating traffic. Once you create a post there, it stays and can remain in people’s searches, ultimately making it more akin to Google than it is to other social media platforms.

You can set up your own RSS Feeds on Pinterest BUT the easiest way is perhaps running a feed through your own website, to pull your stuff through and then show it off on Pinterest. Wix created this blog which guides you through how to market your website via Pinterest – another way Pinterest can grow your business!

Content-wise, share your blogs, share your product photos, add your keywords, and people can find you.

Pinterest creates great traffic but NOT necessarily converts those sales. However, if it can drive traffic to your website via a RSS feed, then hopefully you can boost your conversion rate at that point.

It might just help give you a small biz boost! And if the content you’re posting is evergreen, then it can be working for you for a much longer time, making the time you spend on it pay off in a far bigger way.

Semrush created a great blog with 7 steps on boosting your Pinterest profile – click here to read it.