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Petals and Pots


Homegrown seasonal/dried flowers with handmade willow baskets and vessels from the heart of the Potteries. Bouquets, events, petals, baskets and pots.

Stall with a range of handmade baskets and spring homegrown flowersStall with a range of handmade baskets and spring homegrown flowersWillow Square Zarzo BasketWillow Zarzo tray and basketsWillow baskets with wrapped handles on on sale with dried flowers
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Who we are

Helen provides homegrown the heart of the Potteries seasonal/dried flowers, this means they have zero air miles. She also makes willow baskets using 100% UK grown willow.
She takes on commission and event work.

“Working with flowers, willow and clay brings me enormous satisfaction to see the full cycle of nature. I take pride in providing a service; unique, beautiful flowers and baskets. I do find a great sense of wellbeing from working in my garden, with natural products and when people are happy with their purchases.” – Helen

Find us in the following shops

  • Makers & More, Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent
  • Keep it Local, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent

Contact Petals and Pots

Located in Stoke-on-Trent