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Women Will Create @ Mercato Metropolitano

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLondon, SE1 6DR

Join Women Will Create at Mercato Metropolitano in Elephant & Castle, alongside lots of amazing and talented small businesses!


42 Newington Causeway, London, United Kingdom
Monthly market
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No future dates
Women Will Create
There are ramps across the venue to access each area. Venue is both indoor and outdoor but the Women Will Create market is indoor.
No parking on site but there are lots of parking areas nearby.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Seating Available Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in

Women Will Create markets are full of small businesses that are female owned! You will always find a curated mix of vendors in a really supportive environment.

This time we are hosting at Mercato Metropolitano in Elephant and Castle. It is a venue that is full of street food and bars, meaning you are able to support small throughout the whole venue!

You will be able to browse from over 20 independent businesses including jewellery, illustration, art, ceramics, candles, clothing and so much more!

Kick off your Saturday with us at Mercato. It is the perfect spot to come along with friends to browse from our wonderful makers, have a drink and a bite to eat!

It's pup friendly too!

Contact Women Will Create

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.