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The BIG Leeds Flea

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLeeds, LS10 1ES

Indie Flea Coming to Testbed, Leeds.

A reed diffuser (without reeds) in the scent Jadis' Castle, sat on top of a book. By Fae Candle CoA reed diffuser (without reeds) in the scent Jadis' Castle, sat on top of a book. By Fae Candle CoAn Underworld candle for Fae Candle Co.


110 Hunslet Ln, Leeds
LS10 1ES
Various dates
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Judy berger
All Indoor
Markets in

Food, vintage, craft and a DJ all at a new venue for this market. £5 for grown ups, £1.50 for kids under 16.

Contact Judy berger

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