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8 eye-opening ways you’re missing out on repeat purchases

General | Traders- Hints & Tips

A list of ways you might be going wrong, so that you don’t miss out in future!

Repeat custom makes a huge difference to business sales, but did you know there are some eye-opening ways you’re missing out on repeat purchases?

We’ve compiled a list so you can see what’s truly making a difference to your sales! It might just open your eyes to some business progress.

Here are 8 eye-opening ways you’re missing out on repeat purchases:

1. Not dedicating enough time to Customer Service

Do you prioritise customer service? It’s much more than just a chat and a smile. Are you fulfilling all of your customer’s needs? Do you collect feedback and reviews? Do you have an FAQs section on your website and in your Instagram highlights with product and material care advice and instructions?

Do you ensure quick, helpful responses to enquiries and issues? AI / automation software such as ManyChat could help with this.

Good customer service can also be found in the form of positive customer experience. Make sure your website runs well and smoothly, optimise it for mobile use too. Ensure your website is easy to navigate, with a smooth checkout process for ease of shopping.

Providing great customer service is one sure-fire way your customers will want to buy from you again – it helps build brand trust.

2.  Not capturing feedback

Regularly soliciting product feedback and listening to what your previous customers have to say, so you can improve your offers continuously, is vital to build trust.

Gaining feedback also factors into customer loyalty, which you could further encourage by offering points or a discount in return for reviews or feedback, or exclusive offers and sneak-peeks for loyal customers (such as a first look at sales for your mailing list).

3. Not personalising your marketing

Personalising emails again builds trust with your customers, but you could also personalise emails with product recommendations based on their past purchases.

This extends to targeted ads too, especially if you’re running ads on social media or even Google. Target repeat customers, as you would with your mailing list, as they are more likely to already have some brand loyalty.

4. Not engaging with your community

It’s not enough to just ‘post and ghost’, as they say! Don’t post content on socials but fail to engage – the algorithm wants you to be liking, commenting on and sharing others’ work – that’s why they call it SOCIAL media!

You could also create a forum where your community can engage with one another, such as a private Facebook group for people who’ve purchased from you in the past, or are interested in an aspect of your business (for example, if you’re selling yoga mats, perhaps create a Group about yoga and yoga tips – something along those lines).

5. Not giving any exclusive content or offers

This could include:

  • Early Access: Why not give your repeat / loyal customers early access to new products or sales? This could be done via your mailing list.
  • Special Content: Provide exclusive content for your customers, such as tutorials, behind-the-scenes looks, or expert care advice for your products / materials used. If you reach a certain number of followers on Instagram, you could use their Subscriber badge and charge a monthly fee for this kind of community, or set up a Patreon – this could be another income stream or another avenue for your biz! There are so many options and ways you could take it – dream big!

6. Lacking consistency in your communication

Do you send an email some months and not others? Do you have the odd week where you’re present on Instagram, then don’t post for the rest of the month? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there!

BUT consistency in your communication will translate to your customers, and you don’t want to appear flaky.

Keep your customers informed with regular updates about new products, services, or news – schedule in those emails, schedule social media posts if you need to, but stay on top of it to ensure you’re remaining consistent.

7. Forgetting about customers once they’ve purchased from you

A purchase from a customer isn’t actually your end goal! Your goal is to nurture them to buy AGAIN and again from you!

Check in with customers after their purchase to check they’re satisfied (you could set up an automated email for this). Encourage customers to leave reviews and provide feedback for you – there are multiple ways to do this (Google forms, rating sites etc).

8. Incentivising repeat purchases

Linking to what we said earlier, but we’ll reinforce it!

Why do you think big brands have loyalty cards? Because it works!

Offering a discount next time (e.g. 10% off next time they buy from you, or a buy-one-get-one-free – whatever your price points allow) encourages the customer to shop with you again.

Depending on what your business is, you could even consider rewarding your customers for referring new clients to your business.

Pedddle could help to solve all of your problems…

Having a stallholder listing on Pedddle will not only boost your SEO score and help you find new customers, but could help you find old ones, too!

You can check in to any markets that you’re selling at, so if a customer forgets your business name, they simply need to search Pedddle for the market they were at, and it shows previous Pedddle stallholders that sold there! Click here for an example.

Stallholders show on market pages for up to 6 months after an event, so those customers can easily find you again!

Our QR code system and ‘Pedddle favourites’ is another way customers can connect with you, before, during AND after a market or event.

8 eye-opening ways you’re missing out on repeat purchases - graphic Pedddle