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5 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email Marketing Base

Organisers Info | Traders- Hints & Tips

It’s one thing creating a mailing list, and another thing GROWING it! Here are our top tips…

5 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email Marketing Base

It can feel like a huge task, but Email Marketing doesn’t have to be overwhelming! We’ve created ‘5 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email Marketing Base’ to break down the simple steps to take, with easily actionable tasks that will pay off in future!

Don’t forget that even the largest businesses take time to grow their mailing lists, it isn’t something that just happens overnight.

So many businesses find that email marketing is the best way to nurture customers, and that those customers will show longevity and loyalty, so we have pulled together a list of some of the best ways to grow your subscribers as part of a sustainable business model.

An overview; 5 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email Marketing Base

Let’s explore the 5 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email Marketing Base in more detail

Here are five effective strategies to expand your email list:

  1. Utilise having a QR code at your stall: This tactic makes it easy for shoppers to sign up for your email list. Simply display a QR code that, when scanned, leads potential subscribers to an email sign-up form. This is a quick and convenient way for shoppers to connect with your brand and stay updated.
    AND at Pedddle we give you your own personal QR code to print and put on your stall! This adds customers to your email list, saves your business to their dashboard and it can give customers access to a market day discount. Click here to see how it works!
  2. Organise a competition: Competitions are a great way to incentivise people to sign up for your email list. The prospect of winning a prize can encourage more people to subscribe. Ensure the competition details and terms are clear and appealing.
    Early access to sales, special loyalty discounts – the options are endless! Competitions can drive lots of things within your business – perhaps offer some sort of freebie for signing up to your mailing list, or a special stall discount if they turn up in person to one of your markets. Think outside the box, and get creative.
  3. Survey your audience: Invite your audience to complete a survey and request their email for the results or follow-up. This not only helps you grow your email list, but also provides valuable insights about your audience’s preferences and behaviours. Make it work for you!
  4. Host an exclusive online event: An event such as a workshop or online market can generate excitement and engagement among your audience. Make sure the link to the event is sent via email to encourage sign-ups. This provides value to your audience and encourages them to stay on your email list for future events.
    An online market could be the ideal event to encourage people to shop from you, grow your mailing list and more. Our sister site, Tresstle, could be just what you need… click here for ideas and info!
  5. Regularly share behind-the-scenes (BTS) content on your Email Newsletter. You could promote your exclusive email content on your social media platforms, but only show what actually is going on behind the scenes to your subscribers. Giving a peek of the BTS content you share in your emails on your IG stories can pique curiosity and prompt followers to sign up for your emails to see more. It generates interest and fosters a sense of loyalty, as they will feel they’re in a club of ‘exclusive’ customers who get to see what it’s really like inside your biz! Ensure you add the link to sign up to your story and think about the ways you can make people feel like part of the team/tribe/club – whatever you want to call it!

Link to the 2024 Small Biz Boost Video on email marketing.