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Find the best markets in my area

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Helping you shop locally, whenever and wherever you can!

When is the last time you Googled ’markets in my area’? We speak all the time about finding markets local to you – because there are bound to be plenty of events in your area!

Markets in my area

Pedddle is a directory of markets and their stallholders, with events listed from all over the UK; England, Scotland, Wales and even a couple in Northern Ireland (we do hope to expand more in this area in future). We’d love to get every single creative, artisan market in Britain listed on Pedddle if we could.

Some you may have heard of our directory, some you may have not – but you’re guaranteed to find lots of lovely markets all over the UK on Pedddle.

We love to support artisans and local traders, both online and offline alike, and we have a variety of marketing avenues and support channels for market and event organisers, in which we do this. You can even join Pedddle for FREE as a Market Visitor! Use the button below to find out exactly what Pedddle can offer you.

How Pedddle is helping

Keeping money within our local economies helps to foster community and helps our home areas and local communities and businesses thrive, and markets are a great way to keep money within your area.

Fostering creativity is also a brilliant thing to do, and when shopping at your local markets that’s exactly what you’re doing; supporting creativity in so many ways.

How to use Pedddle

There are fantastic events all over the UK, of course, but why not find something great right on your doorstep? There are lots of fantastic local artisans right under your nose!

Use our Market Timeline to search your area – click here to access it, or take a look at any of the markets below as an example of the fab events you can find!

Upcoming Markets in London

See all markets in London

Prefer to visit an online market instead? Click here to see what’s coming up.