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Want your own website domain?

Traders- Hints & Tips

Want a website without the hassle? We can provide a domain name and link directly to your page on Pedddle for you – and you can get on with making!

Are you looking for your own website domain? Are you looking to develop your business further and want to get a website without the worry or hassle of technology? Firstly, let’s talk about what having your own website domain actually means…

A website domain is the name of a website that’s used to access it in a web browser. It’s basically like a street address for a house, except for a website. 

The next step before getting your own website is to get a domain name, so that you are ready to go for it when the time is right!

Click here for further info on website domains from Squarespace.

Getting your own website domain

There could be many reasons for not getting a website at this stage in your business journey, from not feeling able to create one yourself, to not yet finding the time or funds to do so.

And once you do decide to get a website for your business, there are so many options! From a self-built WordPress to a builder like Squarespace or Wix, there are lots of routes you could take with it. 

However, if you are running a business as a second income, it isn’t wise to spend thousands of pounds on a website that you often have to keep up to date, work on SEO (search engine optimisation) and pay for server fees.

Your own website domain

One common error many people make is that when they get a website they automatically think they will get traffic to their site. This is not the case – it takes a lot of work to be seen online, fighting against many other bigger companies. However, that being said, if your business continues to grow as you wish and you want to then have a separate site, your domain is portable and you can just direct it to a separate site when you wish. Our developers can arrange this for you both at the beginning and at point of change or upgrade for your business. 

We can provide you with a domain name (www.) of your choice (only if available), and link it directly to your page on our Pedddle site. We can support you and ensure that it is working as well as possible. Your Pedddle page hosts images of your work, a bio about you, a link to an Etsy or Folksy featured items, a contact form and also a list of markets you will attend. An example of this is one of our traders who has her own domain – – and if you click this link you can see it links directly to Betty’s page on Pedddle.

For a one-off £35 set up fee (which includes a ‘’ domain name), it could be the perfect answer to increasing your presence online and accessing all the benefits Pedddle has to offer.  Be mindful that the annual cost of your domain name is not included. Obviously to do this, you also do have to keep up an active membership up with Pedddle.

Join our online markets, access information about forthcoming events, access discounts for workshops or products or join us for a coffee and a catch up while we talk about topics current to our members.

In summary, having your own website domain is a good idea if you’re running a small business and want it to grow, as it will always be useful in future. Although not essential, the more consistency you can get with your business name seen in as many places as possible online, the higher your online visibility will be – which will ultimately help customers discover you more easily. 

Any questions?

Want to sort your own website domain this year? Contact us and ask away!