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Toto & Fifi

Congleton, Cheshire

TOTO & FIFI is a unisex kidswear brand.

TOTO & FIFI - PedddleTOTO & FIFI - PedddleToto & Fifi logo. Pedddle.TOTO & FIFI - PedddleTOTO & FIFI - PedddleTOTO & FIFI - PedddleTOTO & FIFI - PedddleTOTO & FIFI - Pedddle
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Who we are

TOTO & FIFI create unisex kids t-shirts, sweatshirts and accessories. Cute and quirky embroidered designs on organic cotton clothing.

Founded in 2016 by fashion designer Sarah who wanted to create a unique kidswear brand while she was studying her masters, and taking inspiration from her son and niece.

Every TOTO & FIFI item is embroidered using a professional embroidery machine by Sarah in Congleton, Cheshire.

Contact Toto & Fifi

Located in Congleton, Cheshire