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Taste of Lux


Taste of Lux is a family based micro bakery business in East Bridgford and Lambley, Nottingham.

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Who we are

Taste of Lux is a bakery dedicated to providing tasty treats for everyone, regardless of dietary restrictions or preferences. From cannoli and cakes to breads to pastries, we have a wide variety of options to cater to all taste buds. Our mission is to make sure that everyone can enjoy the simple pleasure of freshly baked goods.

Our range includes sourdough breads, gluten free, dairy free and vegan items, pastries, cinnamon buns, ciabatta, focaccia, pretzels, pies, pasties and more.

Our most popular items are our delicious traditional cannoli, which we now also provide with gluten free options.

In addition to this, we can also offer mini grazing boards and deli based items as well as grazing board work shops.

Contact Taste of Lux

Located in Nottingham