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Mercedes Dawson Art


Original artworks and commissions. Hand drawn / painted minimalist and modern pieces focussed on the female form, and astract works

Of FleshOf Fleshoriginal artworkSlipped Ink, floral of Nature - bored at home? Spice up your home with some artwork.original artwork
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Who we are

I am an artist drawn to the angles and curves of the female form – so moving in their simplest depiction. Sensuality is something that just exudes naturally. It is confidence, it is acceptance, playfulness and it is daring you to look, your mind filling in the spaces, creating its own view. Nature, like the body, shows us how beautiful its delicacy can be, and how intricate it is even in its simplicity, and can move you just as much.

You will find original artworks but also limited edition prints just waiting, waiting for you – for you to fall for.

Commission work: please contact me for any commissions, creating personalised pieces are an absolute pleasure!

Contact Mercedes Dawson Art

Located in Manchester