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Sarah Lee Made Me


A handcrafted collection of lovely things made by me for you.

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Who we are

Hello! I’m Sarah, owner and maker behind Sarah Lee Made Me. Thanks for viewing my page.

I adore fabric and sewing. It allows my noisy mind to quieten, and gives me the creative outlet I crave after a long day in the office.

The fabrics I use are purchased in limited runs which means most items I make are one offs, when I can I buy a roll end of something extra special which allows me to have a range of identical items perfect for gift shops.

My signature item is the textile storage bags featured in some of my images, they are available in three sizes. The largest make superb toy bags or linen bags for the home, and the midi / small sizes are perfect for on-the-go craft stashes.

New to my range this autumn are pocket warmers, weighted eye pillows, handkerchiefs and draft excluders. Lovely things that I hope people will treasure for a very long time.

You can find me on Instagram, and at markets in Cambridgeshire and the surrounding counties. I’m also excited to share that my products are now stocked at New Chapter Crafts in Hatton Shopping Village near Warwick!

If you’d like to enquire about my availability for your craft fair, stock for your shop, or even a bespoke order, then get in touch. I’d love to hear from you.

Best wishes,
Sarah x

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Contact Sarah Lee Made Me

Located in Godmanchester