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Khayt is all about beautiful modern macramé products that are
handmade with love and care.

Khayt, Macrame large rainbowKhayt, Rainbow mirror mandala largeKhayt, Lavender handbagKhayt, Birdy pacifier clipsKhayt, White coasterKhayt, Macrame large rainbowKhayt, White Jumbo market/beach bagKhayt, Pearl mirror mandala XLKhayt, Mini wallet
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Who we are

Bohemian style modern macramé.

We have a wide range of products suitable for everyone. All products are crafted by hand with 100% cotton threads and recycled cotton ropes. Our wall hangings are made with elegant and modern design to perfectly fit your lovely home. Our beautiful bags have modern bohemian designs suitable for every occasion, and we offer a variety of home, personal and children’s accessories as well.

Feel free to browse though my website and my Instagram – simply click the links below. Many of my products are custom made and you have an option to customise the colours or size of the products without any extra charge.

Feel free to pop a message in the contact form below with any queries you may have 🙂

Contact Khayt

Located in London