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I have a huge love of plants and design and have decided to bring them
together to give everyone a chance to enjoy the beauty of miniature garden.

A beautiful little world, your own indoor miniature garden in a decorative lidded hurricane vase. With the perfect layers and chosen plants to live together and thrive in harmony.A beautiful little world, your own indoor miniature garden in a decorative lidded hurricane vase. With the perfect layers and chosen plants to live together and thrive in harmony.A beautiful little world, your own indoor miniature garden in a decorative lidded hurricane vase. With the perfect layers and chosen plants to live together and thrive in harmony.Beautiful terrarium bringing a little bit of outside in.A beautiful little world, your own indoor miniature garden in a decorative lidded hurricane vase. With the perfect layers and chosen plants to live together and thrive in harmony.A beautiful little world, your own indoor miniature garden in a decorative lidded hurricane vase. With the perfect layers and chosen plants to live together and thrive in harmony.A beautiful little world, your own indoor miniature garden in a decorative lidded hurricane vase. With the perfect layers and chosen plants to live together and thrive in harmony.A beautiful little world, your own indoor miniature garden in a decorative lidded hurricane vase. With the perfect layers and chosen plants to live together and thrive in harmony.
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Who we are

Ferns, Succulents, Peace Lilys, Ivy, Mosses to name a few, expertly selected to complement each other, and planted in our special selection of substrates ensuring happy plants which thrive in their new home. Suitable for all levels of ability, experience & budget.

Our glass is sustainably sourced and upcycled whether it be fishbowls, demijohns, milk bottles, teapots, geometric terrariums or large carboy bottles. We have the terrarium for you!

As a lifelong plant lover and Horticulturist with a career spanning 15 years and counting, I love sharing the beauty & joy from all things miniature & green

Lovingly created in the Surrey.

Contact Bluesquidcreation

Located in Addlestone