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Bic Beaumont Art


I am a painter and printmaker, influenced by nature, animals and folkore.

Bic Beaumont Art, behind the scenes, Taken during the painting process, layers of paint building up to create 2 haresBic Beaumont Art, behind the scenes, Taken during the painting process, layers of paint building up to create 2 haresBic Beaumont Art, The Green Man lino print on awagami paper with the tools used to create the imageClose up shot of a stall in Worcestershire, featuring mugs, greeting cards, lino prints, coasters - lots of colour, lots of animals and nature inspired workBic Beaumont Art Audrey the llama faux suede square cushionBic Beaumont Art The Green Goddess lino print on awagami paper with the lino tools used to create the image, hand pressed in green ink
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Who we are

I create original pieces of art in either paint or lino from which I produce greeting cards, prints, homewares and gifts.

Three distinct areas of work for me are my animal paintings, abstract and lino, sometimes feeding into each other and other times, completely separate.

The animal characters I create all have names, as the piece builds, layer on layer, as I get closer to the end, I will sit back and have a few names in mind and just see which one resonates more with who is looking back at me on the paper…’Shirley’ the turkey, ‘Audrey’ the alpaca’, ‘Geoffrey’ the giraffe, ‘Peggy’ the goat and so on.

I find that if I’ve been painting one of my animal characters or an abstract landscape, that I need to have a break from the brushes and create a new lino or rework one of my old ones, it is a very therapeutic process – carving, inking the lino, and then hand pressing the piece.

I love learning new ways of working, whether it be the paper I print or paint on, new inks, what I like a piece to look like – maybe a bit looser or utilising more of the negative space, tools I work with, it is all one big learning experience and I love it!

I am interested in ensuring where I can that I use recycled, compostable, biodegradable products and repurposing materials which would otherwise go to waste.

Contact Bic Beaumont Art

Located in Worcestershire