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Reasons you should upskill as a small business owner

Need Some Inspiration? | Traders- Hints & Tips

Learning should be continuous throughout your life and throughout your business – here’s why!

Reasons you should upskill as a small business owner

There is a phrase you may have heard, ‘invest in things that no-one can take away from you’. This applies to all areas of life, but as a small business owner, the knowledge, skills and experiences you can have in life can grow your business as much as any investment in products, marketing, and other ways of growth. This is just one of the many reasons you should upskill as a small business owner!

Skills of all kinds are invaluable, and learning new things never goes amiss. The very practice of studying can be so beneficial.

We created a YouTube video recently on this very topic – scroll down to read a little more or watch it!

Pictured above; Karl from Rooks & Roses at a market stall, and Jen Lithgo making crafts in her studio.

Reasons you should upskill as a small business owner

Having some basic knowledge across all aspects of business operations can go a long way to making your business flourish, and ultimately turn you into a more well-rounded manager when you do eventually hire staff and expand.

Pedddle founder Nicki recently created a YouTube video discussing this – click the link below to watch it.

“Learning as a small business owner is so important. I personally found it game-changing. Upskill yourself to allow you to have more clarity in making decisions, understand what aspects of your business that you want to focus on or simply to nourish yourself; because we love to learn. If you want to join our community, we have a library of invaluable self paced resources, development workshops that are bite-sized, meet and make sessions plus access to a whole community of creative small business owners. Come and join us! We’re advocating for accessibility in the vibrant world of markets, and we’re helping our community of stall holders to grow, evolve, and take pride in their work”.

~ Nicki, Pedddle Founder

Fancy joining Pedddle? You can join us as a Market Organiser, a Stallholder, or a Market Visitor.

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