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Meet 2 of our most loyal makers! Stallholders we love on Pedddle

Meet the Maker

Celebrating two stallholders who love selling at markets!

A Paper Hug Card by Eleri Haf Designs

We are celebrating three fab occasions this week; selling at markets, the ‘shop local’ movement and our lovely market traders. We decided that this week’s Meet The Maker should feature just two of the many stallholders we love on Pedddle, who also love markets and each have exciting things coming up. They’ve each been with us for years, and we value them all so much! Introducing Peach Plot and Eleri Haf Designs.

They each have a little inspiration for getting your creative business started, starting to sell at markets and news of their Christmas plans. In these tough times we could all do with some encouragement and positive news.

Here’s our Q&A with them:

Pedddle: At this time of year, many stallholders are preparing for the Christmas rush, as we enter the busiest retail quarter of the year. We are so excited for the Creative Collaboration Market this Saturday, and we know you have lots of exciting things planned too. What’s new for your business?

Pedddle: It’s so exciting to see the new things everyone’s coming up with in the run up to Christmas. Where did you first become interested in the skills it takes to produce your products, and how did you learn them?

Pedddle: How long have you been running your creative business, and would you have any advice to anyone wishing to start?

Pedddle: What first made you consider selling your products at markets?

Pedddle: This year has certainly been a tough one, especially for market traders. Online Markets are great for finding local stallholders, however, the atmosphere of in-person markets is irreplaceable. What advice would you give to anyone wishing to start market trading?

As we said before, these are just two of the many stallholders we love on Pedddle! Check out the rest by clicking the button below…

NB: Blog originally written in 2020 and amended in 2024.