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Stitch Festival

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLondon, N1 0QH

Love Stitching? This is an event you must attend!

The Bargello Edit, Bargello bookThe Bargello Edit, Bargello bookThe Bargello Edit, Basic Bargello stitch


Business Design Centre, 52 Upper St, London
N1 0QH
23rd-26th March 2023
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The Stitch Festival is back for all those advid stitchers and those looking to find out more! It will be playing host to The Indie Biz Village this year.

Untld Project: We’re creating a market-style area to showcase eight independent brands who’ve never exhibited at the show before.

The event runs from 10am-5.30pm from Thursday to Saturday, and 10am-3pm on Sunday.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.