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Makers Cornwall Christmas Fair

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventFalmouth, TR10 9FE

The best Christmas Fair in Cornwall is once again popping up at Penryn Campus on the second weekend in November - Makers Cornwall Christmas Fair.

Christmas Tree in foreground with cafe and band playing in the background Makers Cornwall FairChristmas Tree in foreground with cafe and band playing in the background Makers Cornwall FairFelt Polar Bear climbing a wooden branch with fairy lights


Falmouth University, Falmouth, Cornwall
TR10 9FE
8th - 10th November 2024
Next Markets
No future dates
Makers Cornwall
Disability is catered for by the venue with disabled parking and level access to the hall.
Free parking and easy access via public transport. Follow the signs on campus to your free parking space.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available Free Entry
Markets in
Cornwall , South West

We have 72 amazing creative stallholders at Makers Cornwall Christmas Fair this year, along with live music, food traders and coffee and cakes; it really is a full day out!

Free parking and easy access via public transport.

8th November - Friday night is Cocktail night - 6pm to 9pm
9th November - Saturday is main shopping day - 10am to 4pm
10th November - Sunday for chilled shopping - 10am to 3pm

Check out for full details on stallholders.

Contact Makers Cornwall

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.