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MAC Christmas Arts Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventBirmingham, B12 9QH

An arts market held at MAC (Midlands Arts Centre), Birmingham.

Precious Clay Studio ceramic star necklaces mint green and creamy oatmealPrecious Clay Studio ceramic star necklaces mint green and creamy oatmealZoe Ruth Designs at Mish Mash Markets


MAC Midlands Arts Centre, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham
B12 9QH
Various dates in 2024
Next Markets
No future dates
Free Entry
Markets in
Birmingham , West Midlands , The West Midlands , The Midlands

MAC Christmas Arts Market offers stallholders selling festive gifts, ceramics, jewellery, paintings and craft items, throughout MAC's bustling public foyer.

Open from 11am until 5pm at each event, with free entry.

Discover brilliant designer-makers from Birmingham, the West Midlands and beyond. Find the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one, and discover new creative talent in the city. Chat with the creators themselves and gain insight into their creative processes.

KILN Café will be serving up delicious hot seasonal drinks, sweet treats, and savoury delights from their winter menu.

Please contact the organisers directly for any further details of this event.

Our stallholders at previous markets

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.