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London Makers Market in Leake Street Arches

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLondon, SE1 7NN

An eco-conscious market in London, held underneath Waterloo Station. Help support small businesses and pick up some unique handmade gifts for all occasions. Free entry to market. Dog friendly event.


Various dates in 2023
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No future dates
London Makers Market
The entrance to Leake Street has step free access and a ramp.
We would advise arriving on foot. Waterloo Station is a few minutes walk away from the tunnel. There is limited street parking available. Waterloo Car Park is close to the entrance.
Markets in

London Makers Market in Leake Street Arches is coming this March!

We are excited to announce that our London Makers Market Spring Market on Saturday 11th March will take place in Leake Street Arches, underneath Waterloo Station. The tunnel will be filled with lots of incredible makers, artists and designers, so you’re sure to find something brilliant.

Just in time for the start of Spring, a few days after International Women's Day and a week before Mother's Day, help us support small businesses and spread the love of creativity, community and handmade items. With a selection of fantastic independent businesses, there will be plenty of offer to inspire you. Find unique gifts for all occasions, or perhaps something wonderful to keep for yourself.

This event is dog friendly and free to attend.

*Applications for stallholders are closed*

Contact London Makers Market

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.