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Local Makers Christmas Market ~ Wanstead

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventWanstead, London, E11 2SW

A festive market in Wanstead, London.

Local Makers Market, Wreath MakingLocal Makers Market, Wreath MakingLocal Makers Market Logo, Pedddle


Christchurch Hall, Wanstead Place, Wanstead, London
E11 2SW
3rd December 2022
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No future dates
Local Makers Market
Step free access. Disabled parking. Disabled toilet.
Free on-street parking available around venue.
Markets in

Local Makers Christmas Market ~ Wanstead is the ideal festive market to kick off your Christmas shopping!

We hope you can join us for our Christmas edition of the Local Makers Market at Christchurch Hall, Wanstead. Featuring over 50 stalls of local, modern craft PLUS our ever-popular vegan pop-up cafe. Outside you'll also find the delicious mulled wine stall and live festive music.

Local Makers Market showcases handmade products from local designer-makers from across London. When visiting our markets you can expect to find screen prints, ceramics, jewellery, homewares and textiles from a wide selection of talented artisans.

Follow our Instagram or visit our website to stay up to date with future events.

Contact Local Makers Market

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.