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Little Bird Artisan Market

Harewood House Artisan Spring Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLeeds, LS17 9LE

For 3 days only, over 100 local makers, crafters and producers will fill Harewood’s North Park Walk for this special Artisan Spring Market curated by Little Bird Made.

Knaresborough Artisan Market - Pedddle trader at a market - stallholder


LS17 9LE
A 3 day Spring Event in March
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No future dates
Little Bird Artisan Market
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Outdoor Dog Friendly
Markets in
Leeds , Yorkshire

Join us for Mothering Sunday and treat that special lady or yourself to a visit to Harewood.

Find the perfect gift this spring, with pre-booked entry for just £5 (free for Harewood Members*). Tickets will be available to purchase on the day for £7.50.

Whilst you visit, take time to explore all Harewood has to offer:
+ 150 acres of stunning Grounds
+ Terrace Garden, Himalayan Garden and Walled Garden
+ Farm Experience
+ Adventure Playground
+ A three-mile walking trail across the North Park, South Park and Lakeside

Contact Little Bird Artisan Market

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.