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Halloween Barket

Sunday 27th October 2024Dundee, DD4 9BX

The Barket market is returning to Mains Castle!

Image showing the garden area with stalls at the Yard Perth


Mains Castle, Mains Loan, Dundee, Scotland
Sunday 27th October 2024
11:00am - 3:30pm
Next Markets
The Yard Markets
Both Indoor and Outdoor Dog Friendly
Markets in
Dundee , Scotland

The Barket returns to Mains Castle for the Halloween edition. Featuring:

45 stalls indoor and outdoor featuring everything your pet could ever want
A mix of new and returning stalls
Delicious, hot food for the hoomans
Hot drinks and more from Casa Di Gelato Dundee
‘Puppachinos’ by Dog Friendly Angus and Dundee
Award winning Pet photographer Craig Cantwell Photography
Dog show with 10 categories and prizes
Flatwhitephotography, capturing all the event moments of you and your furry pals
Venue is dog friendly inside and out

A nice way to show your support for small local businesses and help to build our market community!

Contact The Yard Markets

Our stallholders at previous markets

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.