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Christmas in July

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventOnline Market
Christmas in July is a month long event hosted on Tresstle, featuring a range of talented makers and creators. The virtual market is an opportunity for shoppers to pre-order products and gifts for the festive season!
Handmade Christmas BundleHandmade Christmas BundleEmotiv Aromatherapy The Little Box of Calm.3 mini roll on aromatherapy blends to help calm your mind, lift your soul and deeply relax before sleep. Try the 60 second ritual for calm. ROLL. INHALE. HOLD. EXHALE. REPEAT. Packaged in a sea blue box. Blue glass bottle. Gold lids.


Online event, throughout July
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This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.