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Thinking of a day out at a Market? Visit Leeds!

At the Market | Need Some Inspiration?

Read all about Pedddle Founder Nicki’s day at two Leeds markets

Leeds Artsmix

Well you know Nicki our founder loves a day out at a market, but in this trip she visited two markets in just one day. She ate lots of fab food and probably had too many coffees!!

If you are thinking of a day out at a market in Leeds or anywhere, here is what you can expect…

Follow Nicki’s day out at a market

Leeds Artsmix - market stalls with green canopy -
Leeds Artsmix

Nicki first wandered to the Leeds Artsmix, which is hosted on one of the pedestrianised streets in Leeds, leading from the main shopping centre to the Kirkgate Market. The second stop of the day was to visit the Mindful Market.

Market One

Nicki visited Leeds Artsmix first, a market which offers regular pop-up trading opportunities on Saturdays throughout the year, in Leeds City Centre. It hosts a wide array of original artists, crafters, designers and creative food producers.

With over 10 years trading history, Leeds Artsmix provides a well established and highly regarded Arts, Crafts and Produce Street Market and is close to many High Street shops, making it a convenient indie shopping destination in the busy city centre.

If you want to read more about the Leeds Artsmix market, click here to read our interview with its founder and see more about Nicki’s previous visit!

Market Two

Nicki’s second stop of the day was to visit the Mindful Market, which has a brilliant focus on mental health and mindfulness.

The Mindful Market organisation curates indie businesses who help their customers to shop more consciously and responsibly.

They’ve identified four key areas of focus for mindful shopping; inclusivity, sustainability, mental health and small/independent, believing that if we all support businesses who strive to connect with these things, we can make wider changes in society.

It’s a case of literally putting your money where your mouth is, and supporting ethical businesses. The shopping opportunities at Mindful Markets are fab, so that isn’t hard to do!

Thinking of a day out at a market soon?

If you are thinking of a day out at a market in Leeds and want to see what is on next, scroll below this video for the next 8 markets coming up, or click here to find artisan markets in Yorkshire.

Meanwhile, watch this video to see what the markets mentioned are actually like!

Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to catch more videos like this.

Visit Leeds for a variety of great markets…

Upcoming Markets in Leeds

See all markets in Leeds