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5 simple ways to make your market day slick!

Need Some Inspiration? | Traders- Hints & Tips

We can’t guarantee sales but we CAN guarantee our expert help and advice!

Make your market day slick

Of course you want to have super successful markets every time you sell at one. Whilst we would love to offer this – we simply can’t! We’d be billionaires by now if we could guarantee sales, but instead we can give our advice on how to optimise your sales opportunities, and make your market day slick.

Our 5 top tips

1. Visit a market before you book onto selling at it.

Make a note of the kind of stalls selling there, and how busy they are. Are the other stalls at the event in a similar vein to yours? Do you think your stall would fit into this market? How big is the footfall, what age and demographic are the customers visiting?

It’s important to limit stress around your market day and getting to an event can often trigger lots of anxiety – so do a ‘dry run’ of the market, see how easy it is to get there and park etc.

Do social media prep and email marketing prep before you go to your market. We have more tips here.

2. Practice, practice, practice your stall set up!

Practice the layout you want to use. Practice your sales patter and chats to your customers – it’s often hard to know when to pitch it but maybe have a few lines ready to go. Practice using your card reader! Work out alternatives for if the internet doesn’t work. It’s important you can set up quickly and confidently, so you don’t miss out on any sales.

Some traders will wing it, but if you look at those being super slick, they are taking pictures of their stalls, looking at their stall composition and merchandising, working out how successful their stall set-up is for each market. This is what you should be doing at a market, too.

3. Get your Checklist ready!

Join our newsletter to get our FREE checklist AND we’ll give you a Market Day Review downloadable for free too! Or you could create your own.

Having a checklist will keep you organised, and will ensure you don’t forget crucial items. It’s ideal to make your market day slick.

4. Dress for comfort at your market stall.

Dress to keep cool on warm summer, or wear lots of layers for warmth on colder days, BUT we would recommend if you have products you can wear, then wear them! Show people the products that you make – and what better way than to demonstrate them yourself?! Some traders have a pinny (apron) too, in their brand colours, which is cute. But this really depends on your stall. Think outside the box as to how you can dress on-brand!

5. Get your Card Reader linked

Use a linked card reader that links directly to your online shop, so when you get a sale at your market, it automatically removes it from your store. Shopify has this functionality and Inventora allows you to do this with their software too.

Looking for more market advice?

If you want even more ways to make your market day slick, then head over to our other blogs.